Monday, August 29, 2011

Weds Night Bible Study Assignment Due August 31, 2011

We've studied Jonah, and my oh my how God blessed us to learn more than we ever have in those short 4 Chapters! God pursues us and uses us sometimes even though we don't want to be used! Although we ca be stubborn and disobedient, God's is full of grace! God shows so much grace towards us and grants us blessing on top of blessing and we don't deserve it at all. Perhaps that is one of the functions of grace--unmerited favor or pardon. WOW.

Last week, you reflected on the messages you received from God through the study in Jonah. Here's what you said:

*Don't Let Emotions Keep You Out of the Will of God
*We Are Not in Control, God IS
*God is Not Going to Give Up on Us
*God Gives Second Chances
*We Have Our Idea of Right, God Has His
*Let Yourself Be Used By God
*Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice
*Follow the Path of God

So, the assignment was to write down five practical applications pertaining to what we've learned about. I look forward to hearing how you are planning on living out what you've learned or been reminded of through our time in God's Word.

Keep loving and learning,

Pastor Rebecca

What Does the LORD require of You?

Excerpt from July 2011 Newsletter

Greetings Faith Family,

What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love kindness/mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8. In July, we had been studying Micah Chapter 6 verses 1-8 We got a glimpse of the importance of the following in order to discern God’s next steps for us as a church and as a individual:

1. Listening to God Both the Good Stuff and God’s Complaints

2. Remembering What God Has Done, So We Don’t Forget What God Can Do

3. Acting Justly Especially Opening Doors for Those With No Voice

4. Practicing the love of Mercy/Kindness Starting at Home, Church, Community

5. Practicing a Humble Journey/Walk with God

We have discovered that we need to improve our listening skills, improve our remembering skills, examine our actions of advocating for justice, practicing kindness, and living out God’s will not our own. It has been fruitful for us because each of these areas are true steps for accurate spiritual discernment as a church and as individuals. If you or I, our church, or other groups really want to understand how to know what God requires, Micah 6:8 can help us with getting the answers we seek. The hard part is actually doing these 5 steps. Are you willing as a person? Are we willing as a church? How shall we hold each other accountable? Yeah, I know that accountability IS the hard part, it requires humility huh?

Keep loving and learning,

Pastor Rebecca