In Chapter 3 of David Mains book: Never Too Late to Dream, he suggests that it is a win-win relationship when we allow God's dreams to be our dreams. He speaks of Judas who had money on his mind, not God. He sold out Jesus for money! I immediately recalled how my beloved Dad has always warned me, "Not to get the Big Head." He has said it so much that it almost got on my nerves. I asked my Dad why he always says this to me. He said that he has seen so many folks hit the bottom after rising to the top because they always get the big head. What he meant is that somehow the stop following God's plan and they begin crafting their own. The more I work in ministry, the more I see what my Dad sees. I am praying that God keep me humble and grateful. Right now, I am so grateful that I only want to do what God wants. So I need to know what God's dreams are for me and for Faith UMC, Fort Wayne. So, time off and renewal has become more important. I need to stay in the presence of God.
At the end of the chapter there is a question that asks if we have ever known anyone who once followed God, but is no longer. I do know such a person. Without this person, I would never have made it out of the darkness. This person pointed the way. I followed Jesus. It is hearbreaking to look back now and know that the one who pointed the way to me is now off the path. It is because somehow, my guide back to sanity got the big head. I remember watching it happen. I remember issuing the warning. I didn't feel qualified. I felt I was being disrespectful. Today, I wish I had screamed louder.
What do we do about those we see getting the big head or straying from the path?
Well, when someone starts straying off the path you simply pray that they will get back on the path and also help them. You probably have a better chance at getting someone back on the path if you continue to be there for them the whole way through and if youre already on the path.
I love the way u put stories in ur blogs. Ur dad really didnt want u 2have a big head huh?
Pastor Rebecca,
What a special blessing you were to me this morning. Your sermon had my name written all over it.
You have truly been a blessing to our church and me.
Thank You
Hello Rebecca, this is your sister, I'm finally learning how to blog, hopefully this works.
I feel sometimes we just need to humble ourselves and pray. Sometimes I wonder why we as people make things so very difficult. If we just do what is right in God's eyes, we could get to ther other side without all these heartaches we give ourselves.
Blessings to everyone. My sister is so wonderful!!!!! Keep up the good work Becky.
Pray is a mighty thing. And in some casses all you can do is pray.
I remember the words of a wise person that told me when you have done all that you can do Just stand. Thank you!
Pastor Rebecca,
This is Carlyn and this speaks so close to my heart. I have a family member that I have had a history and I have been told by my older family members how this person used to be on "fire" for God. As time went on this person walk away from God and even shut the door in His face. I was saved at 23 and I have been praying and crying and praying crying some more that God will not allow this person to die before accepting Him again. It's painful but I truly believe that there is no prayer that God cannot answer. Thanks for bringing this to light because it reminds me to continue to fervently pray for this person.
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