Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Daring to Dream Again! Daring to Dream Again! Can't you feel the excitement in the congregation of Faith Church, as together and as individual followers of our living Lord, we ARE daring to dream again? During the time that Pastor Rebecca has been with us she has challenged us to recognize our spiritual gifts, to use them for the building of God's kingdom. And she has offered us educational materials that have been like spiritual roadmaps to get us moving. In everything we do, she has challenged, we should offer an opportunity for persons to come to know Christ.

In the study, "Chasing Daylight" by Erwin McManus, we were reminded that the choices we make each determine what our lives will be. Daily we can make those choices to live our lives to the fullest and for God's purpose. Once we take the initiative, just do something, it is often then that Godmakes himself known. Do something. Do something for His kingdom. That decision to move seems so right, but then we are beset with uncertainty and recognition that there is much to know that we don't know. It's like deciding to jump into the water, determined to swim the distance, but there is the moment of almost panic when we first come up to the surface of the water and before we start to move. We've made a decision to get going, but then we recognize what the decision really means. We have to get swimming if we are going to make the goal. In life we do have areas where we do have influence and can influence situations and others for God's good if we are willing to commit to the work. The writer of Chasing Dayling, Ed McMannus then challenged us to dare to risk, to live before we die. If each day we seek to advance instead of standing still, if even when we our standing we choose to lean always forward, then we tend to be people on the move; people who can accomplish things for his kingdom. Our God goes with us and we are able to impact the world for good. We are on the move, and beginning to get a spiritual spark going. Through the Chasing Daylight study we were called to our awakening.

Our present study is called Daring to Dream Again by Mainstay Ministries. We have only had two sessions, but the excitement is strong. We were challenged first of all to let go of the barriers that hold us back; to let go of those things that are painful in our past and to move on to SEEING God's involvement in our daily lives. New faces are showing up at our study groups. Those voices are exciting to hear. Those new persons bring gifts that are needed for the journey. There is room for everyone. God is calling us to dream together; to look to Him and to live up to the powerful dreams he has for us as individuals and as His people together. Be a part of a study group. Come dare to dream together! Come Dare to Dream Again.

written by: Roberta Agnew

Lay Speaker at Faith United Methodist Church of Fort Wayne, IN


Anonymous said...

Hi! I finally blogged. This is so cool. Oh...ummm..well, uh, let's see...I'll try this again.

Anonymous said...

Angel B. is a Hi finally anonymous person~