Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Healthy New Identity

On yesterday, I read the passages Isaiah 61:1-3 & Luke 4:16-21 where those familiar words ring out, "The Spirit of the LORD is on me..." Every time I read that whether it is the prophet Isaiah or Jesus, I get goose bumps. It is even more goosy when I read it out loud. I often sense God speaking to me when I read it. In Isaiah and in Luke when Jesus is speaking, the mission was to bring good news to the poor and all kinds of other good stuff! I just feel it in my toes when I realize that I am part of that plan.

I wonder what it would be like if we said that phrase each day: "The Spirit of the LORD is on me to.... I wonder how we would finish the sentence. How do you finish the sentence today? Is the Spirit of the LORD on you? Has the Spirit of the LORD anointed you? Are you bringing good news to the poor? What about encouraging those with broken hearts? mmmmmm


Afroqueen said...

Today I finish the sentence like this: The Spirit of the LORD was on me to excel on my driver's test!! I am TOTALLY feelin the Spirit of the LORD today! It's been like the best day ever!!!

Am I bringing the good news to the poor? Im gettin to it.

Am I encouraging those with broken hearts? Well, today Jazmine was having an issue, and I tried to encourage her. I think I helped her.

Carol said...

Hey, Rebecca,

This is great! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me when I remember your sermons. I also have the ability to hear them again...and from time to time I do. :-)

This is a good looking site, Rebecca. I like it a lot.

I now have a Read the Bible in a Year program on our website with places for comment. I am the only person who comments except for Pastor Alex in the Philippines. Bless his heart.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I will be in touch.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me when I sing...even in my head.


Glory said...

When you are looking for God he is there all the time. My name has come to me as we were at our group meeting. Our group is such a blessing all ready in just two weeks. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me when we meet. We had such a wonderful prayer time.

Anonymous said...

The questions you raised are quite thought provoking and I am a bit perplexed to try to answer them. I know that the Spirit of the Lord is on me. I can feel the Spirit move through my family as my children and I engage in Biblical discussions. This morning I went to work to get ahead. There my job was a colleague who feels like he is an outcast with the others in his department except for me. He sees me as a "different" kind of person. He has chosen me to be his confidant and friend although he works more closely with others. In chapter 2 of Daring To Dream, this is one of the 4 ways of Showing/Seeing/Hunting for God. I believe that the 'difference' my colleague sees in me is God's glory shining through me. This person is not poor in the monetary sense, but he is poor in Spirit and esteem. I try to be an encourager but I have a ways to go. Thanks for the challenge!