Friday, January 22, 2010

What's In the Bible & Why Do I Care?

Series: What's In the Bible & Why Do I Care?
January's Lessons: What's in the Bible & How Do I Use It?
January 20 -January 27 Chapter 1 How to Use the Bible


We studied this week about revelation. There is General Revelation and Special Revelation. This week we concentrated on General Revelation. General Revelation is related to natural ways in which God reveals God's existence. We experienced "Aha" moments as we each personally read from these scripture and learned that God revealed Himself through Creation, History, & Humanity: Creation: Ps 19:1; Ro 1:20; Acts 14:15-17; History: Job 12:13-25; Ps 98:2; Is 40:5; Acts 4:15-17 Humanity: Acts 17:22; Ro 2:14; Ps 19, Mt 5:45, Ro 1:20.

We also learned about differing Bible translations and paraphrases, about the Apocrypha, and how to find a reference in the Bible.

We learned the 1st 5 books of the Bible known as the Books of Moses and the Law/the Torah/the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

Your assignment:
1.Re-read the scripture regarding General Revelation above.
2.Write in your journal how God reveals something new to you?
3. Jot down any questions you may have and also write any comments or questions in the comment section here.
4. Memorize the 1st 5 Books of the Bible.
5. To be prepared for class, read Chapter 1 and the next section on your handout entitled "God has revealed Himself through Special Revelation." Look up all related scripture and jot down notes and questions.
6. Look up any words you don't recognize.

Remember that you are on a journey. Right now you are learning to how to strengthen your legs so that you can walk a long way. Remember that God loves you regardless of your past, present, and future!

With the love of Christ,

Pastor Rebecca

( I am especially looking to see your comments here.) So BLOG ON!


Unknown said...

This is more of just a point of interest more than anything else. The book says that Hebrews is a Pauline letter, but that is debatable... I just got a chuckle from it. No real implication of anything other than being too inquisitive.

On a more serious note I really liked the scripture that said that God reveals himself so that no man has any excuse. It just reminds me that something about us, as humans, has God ingrained on our very hearts so that he can show himself to us. Pretty awesome!

Cindy Paulk said...

Hey Pastor Rebecca,
Loved your class Wednesday! I plan on taking what I learn from this class and incorporating it into my everyday life. Thanks for the time you take out of your day to share your knowledge with us! Love Ya

Sam Miller said...

I look forward to being in class on Wednesday and learning new things about the bible and Christ.

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to see you teaching your class Bible! Praise God!

Lisa Andrus said...

I have often said when I pray to Chriar that He knows me so well. He knows that sometimes He has to write things out plain as day for me in bright red lipstick on the mirror so I get it. I think that He speaks to us in our hearts and minds often. But many of us are just too busy with what we deem important that we don't hear Him.

TamiaJauetta said...

Thank you! Pastor Rebecca for this opportunity to continue my spiritual journey, I was beginning to feel stagnated. I seek to learn the life God has planned for me. What I want is answers that will direct me towards eternity. However, everything is meaningless apart from God; please help me unlock the mysteries so I can greatly admire God. A FAST FACT: Pastor Rebecca is approachable; I can ask her anything pertaining to my faith, she listens deeply (why did David have many spouses)?

Anonymous said...

I need to be more disciplined and get back into reading my Bible, attending Church and reading the chapters.I am very interested in learning how to use my Bible and further my knowledge.

Anonymous said...

how does this work?