Monday, August 29, 2011

Weds Night Bible Study Assignment Due August 31, 2011

We've studied Jonah, and my oh my how God blessed us to learn more than we ever have in those short 4 Chapters! God pursues us and uses us sometimes even though we don't want to be used! Although we ca be stubborn and disobedient, God's is full of grace! God shows so much grace towards us and grants us blessing on top of blessing and we don't deserve it at all. Perhaps that is one of the functions of grace--unmerited favor or pardon. WOW.

Last week, you reflected on the messages you received from God through the study in Jonah. Here's what you said:

*Don't Let Emotions Keep You Out of the Will of God
*We Are Not in Control, God IS
*God is Not Going to Give Up on Us
*God Gives Second Chances
*We Have Our Idea of Right, God Has His
*Let Yourself Be Used By God
*Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice
*Follow the Path of God

So, the assignment was to write down five practical applications pertaining to what we've learned about. I look forward to hearing how you are planning on living out what you've learned or been reminded of through our time in God's Word.

Keep loving and learning,

Pastor Rebecca


Anonymous said...

Dodie M. Miller; response for 8/31/2011:
Obedience to God means following all of the commands, not just the ones I like. So, to that end, I have the following five applications:
1. Be still (even when persecuted): an ESL student who happened to be Buddhist, spent several weeks harrassing my boss and I about her grade in my summer class. She was literally wearing on everyone who had to explain to her why her grade was her grade. Basically, her explanation to me was that since I was "different" from the other instructors, I should have given her a higher grade. I told her there were standards in place, and as a writing specialist, I could not just "give" her a grade. She did not schedule a follow up meeting. I never got emotional with her. A week later, I received an email with an inspirational (?) picture and a poem about forgetting negatives and remembering positives. I think that is her way of apologizing. At any rate, she has left me alone, and I consider that a blessing--one that might not have happened if I had "caved" or grown emotional with her. I did not hate her, I genuinely felt sorry for her.
2. Love. I had to make myself love this problematic student, even though she was insulting, rude, and bothersome. Every time I find myself getting really mad at someone, I think to myself "God made this person. He loves this person, who am I to hate him or her?"
3.Forgive. Even though Jonah did not go where he was supposed, God didn't just smite him for disobedience. This week, one of my siblings drove my car that I stored off the street because I didn't feel like getting the car's tags. I had informed this sibling, this car does not have proper tags, therefore, do not drive. Well, the sibling did not listen, and my car almost got impounded. The police did not impound because it was not the sibling's vehicle. At first, I was so mad! I felt disrespected, and was a bit angry at this person. But, then I realized that it could have been a lot worse. I forgave my sibling and bought my car's tag.
4.The Bible admonishes us not to "despise" our mothers when they are old. But being obedient to this tenet can feel overwhelming at times. The care for my mother can be difficult at times with my job and my interests all competing for my time. But the care of my mother is important, and I have to do it. Even if it means taking a break to just breathe (literally, do nothing else but breathe for a few minutes) before getting back to my real life. The other part of this is that there is always a solution,so stay calm.
5. Like Jonah, I have to let myself be used by God--all Christians are. I make a lot of plans, most of which involve moving to places bigger and more exciting than Fort Wayne. And this is not just sitting around saying I'm going to leave. I do research on the cost of living, search for jobs and print out applications for creative writing fellowships connected to large universities, and almost every time I go through those processes, something happens (a family in distress and I have to help them) or a family member says, "I don't know what I'd do without you," and I realize there is a reason for my being here, even if I might be bored sometimes. Just this week, one of my mom's cousins told me she wanted to "give [me] you your flower now" to thank me for taking care of her beloved cousin. She reminded me that I would be blessed for doing so. But doing the act has to be a response to God's rule, not just for the desired outcome (blessings).

Pastor Rebecca said...

Dotie, Praise God for you! I appreciate your sharing and will be praying God's blessing upon your life!