Friday, January 11, 2008

Get Up Off That Thang!

We are full force into the new series Daring to Dream: Overcoming the Barriers that Hold You Back. On this week, we have studied the relationship between God and Gideon. I preached a message entitled, "Get Up Off That Thang!" We saw that God wants us to see ourselves as God sees us. We learned that the past can often hang us up and prevent us from moving forward. In our series this week, we are looking for ways that we can allow God to heal our painful past. We are also seeking ways in which we can personally improve in many areas of our lives by attempting to be who God wants us to be. We are taking on healthy new identities. Let us be cautious as we allow God to work in us. Sometimes it is hard to see ourselves as persons who need to change. Sometimes we feel, we have arrived. It is not so. We are far from perfect. We have not arrived. Yet we do press on toward that mark. Don't we? Are you pressing on? If so, on to where?


MONTEL said...

Hey paster rebecca how are you doing i am off of my thang and fully relied on God. See you later

Ms Reba said...

I am off that "thang" and Blogging!